“Let another praise you and not your own mouth; a stranger and not our own lips.” Proverbs 27:2
God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason: to be slow to speak and quick to listen. He even goes on to say, “Take heed to what you hear” (Mark 4:24) and to “take heed to how you hear” (Luke 8:18). Another characteristic that is frowned upon by most is an individual who proclaims their own glory yet tries to manipulate the hearer into believing others are praising them and not their own mouth. The word says let the king acknowledge you and call you to come sit in a place of honor, because if you do it yourself and then he tells you to move back you will be humiliated. Believe me, wanting praise is not a bad thing, in fact we inherited it from God the Father. He delights in us giving Him praise, however, it is freely given to Him because He is worthy of it. He does praiseworthy acts and deeds. If you desire high esteem from others do estimable things. Do not falsely imitate someone else’s accomplishment, noticeable gift or talent or earned and practiced character of esteem then pretend or deceive yourself into thinking you truly deserve the same honor and recognition that person has earned through longsuffering, persistence, and determination. Many desire the prestige and perks of the 'king' but very few are willing to pay the price to become 'king'. Character and integrity, and above all, wisdom keeps a person who is truly praiseworthy, sound and patient and enables them to rise above the perpetrators.
A praiseworthy person keeps silent, overlooks offenses and believes when the word says a lie last for only a moment but the truth lasts forever! (Proverbs 12:19) Psalms 37:8 says do not fret (become irritated in mind) because it only causes you harm. The word of God always pronounces to the reader, “Mark the blameless man, for his future is peace.” Proverbs 31 also says the virtuous woman laughs at misfortune today because she knows she and her family have a bright future. This same chapter ends saying charm and grace are deceptive and beauty is vain (because it is not lasting) but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord shall be praised. Give her the reward she has earned and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” That’s a wow moment! This pertains to men as well, very much so! =) Just because it says ‘woman’ take heed men, understand what you hear and it will exalt you and make you a person worthy of praise. Once praise is truly earned it is a sweet reward with many benefits. The road to praiseworthiness humbles you and makes you a true person of character worthy of all the accolades due you. If you try and beguile to make yourself receive honor you do not deserve it is called pride.
Taken from book “He’s A Keeper” Copyright ©2009
God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason: to be slow to speak and quick to listen. He even goes on to say, “Take heed to what you hear” (Mark 4:24) and to “take heed to how you hear” (Luke 8:18). Another characteristic that is frowned upon by most is an individual who proclaims their own glory yet tries to manipulate the hearer into believing others are praising them and not their own mouth. The word says let the king acknowledge you and call you to come sit in a place of honor, because if you do it yourself and then he tells you to move back you will be humiliated. Believe me, wanting praise is not a bad thing, in fact we inherited it from God the Father. He delights in us giving Him praise, however, it is freely given to Him because He is worthy of it. He does praiseworthy acts and deeds. If you desire high esteem from others do estimable things. Do not falsely imitate someone else’s accomplishment, noticeable gift or talent or earned and practiced character of esteem then pretend or deceive yourself into thinking you truly deserve the same honor and recognition that person has earned through longsuffering, persistence, and determination. Many desire the prestige and perks of the 'king' but very few are willing to pay the price to become 'king'. Character and integrity, and above all, wisdom keeps a person who is truly praiseworthy, sound and patient and enables them to rise above the perpetrators.
A praiseworthy person keeps silent, overlooks offenses and believes when the word says a lie last for only a moment but the truth lasts forever! (Proverbs 12:19) Psalms 37:8 says do not fret (become irritated in mind) because it only causes you harm. The word of God always pronounces to the reader, “Mark the blameless man, for his future is peace.” Proverbs 31 also says the virtuous woman laughs at misfortune today because she knows she and her family have a bright future. This same chapter ends saying charm and grace are deceptive and beauty is vain (because it is not lasting) but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord shall be praised. Give her the reward she has earned and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” That’s a wow moment! This pertains to men as well, very much so! =) Just because it says ‘woman’ take heed men, understand what you hear and it will exalt you and make you a person worthy of praise. Once praise is truly earned it is a sweet reward with many benefits. The road to praiseworthiness humbles you and makes you a true person of character worthy of all the accolades due you. If you try and beguile to make yourself receive honor you do not deserve it is called pride.
Taken from book “He’s A Keeper” Copyright ©2009