We can only see what we choose to see and unfortunately most of us choose to see nothing. This world we live in is not a happy, friendly, utopia, nor is everything morbidly awful and debased. However, the latter description is truer. If I can share a part of my character it is joy. My name and the definition of the word blessed are synonymous. People often are angry with me because I am always happy. Ninety-nine percent of the time I am smiling. Others literally just blurt out and ask, "Are you really this happy!?" Lol! And I sincerely am! Why? Because I know the truth. I seek truth. I embrace truth. I mediate on those things that are pure and lovely and honorable and that are of a good report but I do not choose to be ignorant, blind, and gullible so I can "appear" positive.
My plea to you today is that you open your eyes. If you walk around believing everything media, government, popes, scientists, television pastors, celebrities, etc., say just because the "masses" believe them you are surely headed for destruction. If things do not look right or sound right to you, then those things probably are not right, so seek out the truth. Nothing is by happenstance! Nothing is coincidence! Example: VMAs come on once a year. This is a very strategically planned event. Practice rehearsals are required! Everyone: media, Internet, church, etc., is focusing on this lewd girl but the real message was preached to the masses. She was a distraction! Did you see it? Did you hear the message in every presenter and song? I am not a VMA supporter but I hate to be ignorant. I need to know for myself not what the masses tell me! Am I saying watch the VMAs, of course not, but it is a major event that I personally deem watch worthy because it is always promoting something other than videos! This is just one event but major events are happening every moment of every day. We may not know them all but we cannot be or choose to be ignorant to them all!
Research deeper into what is truly happening. Stop using ignorance as an excuse. Ignorance destroys you in this life and the next for sure! No elaborate scriptures today, just pulling on your common sense and stirring up your wisdom. God freely has given us both so use them for they are our life.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8