Thursday, October 1, 2009


This is a shout out to all my ladies who have been in bad relationships that have negatively affected their hearts and even the men. I implore you today to set yourself free! It is a sad day when you cannot give your spouse a compliment on how you love and wholeheartedly trust him/her without someone wounded and bitter in the background mumbling under their breathe how naive you are. Wounded women EVERY man DOES NOT cheat! Cut that foolishness out. If you keep attracting cheating men it’s because you are using what you think attracts a good God-fearing man and not what God says attracts a good man. I Peter 3:1-4 reads: Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear. Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. That’s God’s way!

Now I know the next question is: What if you’re not a wife yet? The answer to that is Be, Do, Have- You have to BE-come a wife/husband and DO the things a wife/husband will do before you can HAVE a wife/husband. Successful relationships are like anything else in life. No matter how much I desire to be wealthy me doing things my way when every wealthy person tells me to do it another way almost guarantees I will fail at becoming wealthy. Thus, doing what you think the opposite sex wants and not what the word says guarantees you will fail.

In this world sex sells everything! They sell sex to attract sex! So, if you use your sex-appeal to attract men when you get him expect sex, not respect, love, and commitment. Men if you use money to attract, when she gets with you she expects money, period. You run out of money you run out of her! Let’s be true to ourselves. God’s word is true; we have reaped what we have sown into the relationships that failed. If we want love and respect let’s set a precedence. And let’s not become too high-minded when setting it, living on Fantasy Island somewhere. A man of God once told me, “People got killed on Fantasy Island!” So let’s at least ask for who we are because in reality that’s all we will attract! God is a fair God. (That’s an entirely different subject for another time.)

Free yourself today from being the wounded victim which causes you to envy every healthy relationship. Find those who have overcome their past and found true love and cleave to them and the word. The blind cannot lead the blind! Lipstick, cleavage and vulgarity does not attract a good man, obedience does! God honors marriage, (Hebrews 13:4) in fact, He created woman for man. (Genesis 2:18) He wants you to have a relationship, so He knows how to instruct you in having a great one! Follow His lead!

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