Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Filthy Dreamers

Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. Jude 1:8

I have been on the quest for wealth wholeheartedly for over 12 years now. I have joined at least five network marketing schemes trying to "live the dream". Do not misunderstand me money is important and wealth is needed especially in the kingdom of God! However, some of the most wicked people I have ever encountered on this earth are the so-called "Dreamers", those "Dreaming Big" and the  "Dream Builders"! Their motto is "Nothing or no one is bigger than the "Dream". I can use network marketing because it is what I used most trying to "live the dream" and I find it is infested with a bunch of financially destitute false leaders hiding behind the "dream". 

Money is the only thing God compared to Himself. Matthew 6:24 reads: “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. The word also says in 1 Timothy 6:10: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have ERRED from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Loving money over God is the root, the sustaining part, of ALL evil and makes you DESPISE God. We heard the term "filthy rich" it comes from "filthy dreamers" who will bankrupt and destroy you and your family for "The Dream"! 

It was money that caused one of Jesus' chosen disciples Judas to betray God Himself! Not eternal life, not him reigning with Christ, not power unseen, but money! Matthew 26: 14-16 reads: "Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?” And they counted out thirty pieces of silver. So from that time he sought opportunity to betray Him."

Thirty pieces of silver was the price of a SLAVE. (Exodus 21:32). And it was not enough money to even allow Judas to "live the dream"! It was in a bag he could carry equal to about $330. Judas betrayed Jesus Christ and became the enemies' slave for a few dollars. Have you ever witnessed this person? Well, I have over and over and over again! It's pure wickedness!

Today I ask you to evaluate what and who you are sacrificing in hopes of "living the dream". The last five years I have seen the most wicked things done to others. Husbands despising their spouses, people leaving God, people having sex with several women while having them live in the same house and they accept it. Leaders financially destitute deceiving their teams in order to pay for their adulterous affairs and the people find out and their response is: "I can't focus on that, I have to focus on "My Dream." Well, let me help you focus and tell you how your dream ends! Proverbs 24:12 states: "Don’t excuse yourself by saying, “Look, we didn’t know.” For God understands all hearts, and He SEES you. He who guards your soul KNOWS you KNEW. He will repay all people as their actions deserve."

God created wealth. He is the only One who has the power to give us true wealth. (Deuteronomy 8:18) But receive it from His hand not by deceiving, destroying, and betraying others for "your dream". Dreams are not real! Ecclesiastes 6:9 reads: "Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don’t have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless—like chasing the wind." The whole concept of "Dreaming" is an illusion, something God says is meaninglessly. God will give you the desires of your heart IF you trust and delight in HIM! (Psalms 37: 3-4) Do God "Big" and God will make your Dreams come true! 

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