Thursday, October 31, 2013

I Saw Jesus

I was in some deserted area socializing with a group of wealthy people. I wandered off to this nearby dilapidated area. There was an attractive man there I conversed with him very very briefly but I cannot recall what he said. He left and I returned to the crowd. Yet once I got in the midst of the crowd I learned we were there looking for artifacts of Jesus. They had a picture of Him and I realized it was Jesus I had encountered just a few moments ago!! Because Jesus has not physically walked the earth in thousands of years I knew it was not wise to tell them I just saw and spoke with Christ. Plus these people's motives for seeking Jesus were all wrong! They wanted Him in order to increase their status or celebrity not to serve Him as God and Savior. I cannot remember how the dream ended which is not important what is important is I wish I could remember what He said to me! 

I felt compelled to share this dream. This is a dream I had October 29, 2013 that I have been pondering, but today it seemed very necessary to share. Today so many artists, moguls, and celebrities want to share their "religious" beliefs. The use of the name Jesus in mainstream is on the ultimate come up! Everybody wants to say Jesus. Everyone is promoting "just believe in something" like that's enough, then throwing Jesus and God in their statements to catch the listeners' ear. Just like my dream, this growing promotion of religion and Jesus has nothing to do with God or Christ, but strictly to manipulate the masses. They want the masses to be deceived into not submitting to Jesus, and to be at peace in serving anyone or anything and you will still get to "a heaven".  I am sure there are some that are truly seeking Jesus for salvation's sake and I am confident they will find Him. But most are strictly attempting to increase their celebrity status! Be aware! Be alert! Do not be deceived! Your enemy the devil, who is their father, (John 8:44) is very cunning. The very elect of God will be deceived if possible! (Matthew 24:24) Saying Jesus does not automatically get you admitted into heaven. There are pastors, leaders, those who have done miracles in "Jesus' name" who God will cast into hell and say He never knew them! (Matthew 7:22-23) God is real and His word is true. All those adding their own theology will lead you to hell. (Revelations 22:18-20) Just believing in "something" is not God's way!

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Wonderful You

Keep me from lying to myself;
    give me the privilege of knowing your instructions. Psalms 119:29 (NLT)

It is time to be true to one's self. In this era of scripted reality television and social media, where you can be whomever you desire to pretend to be, It comes a time when you must stop lying to yourself and simply be you. My role in life have me counsel many people and I dare say ninety-nine percent of them lie and pretend for months, even years before they just confess or admit what really is the truth of the matter. I often say "be free" and others ask me "what does that really mean?" Or "what are you really saying?" When my response to you is simply "Be Free" it simply means what it says! I am not being "deep" or speaking in mysteries. I want you to set yourself free from the lies and deception you tell yourself. Be free from lying just to impress others, who by the way, will never be impressed!! Be free from imitating others than Jesus Christ, hoping to obtain some glory or even their glory. Do not be sucked into this system where you are simply an airbrushed image of yourself, acting how you think people want you to act in public, while lying to yourself. Read the bible and find out what God thinks of you. The wonderful things He says about you! He sees you as you are and He says, "My dove, my perfect one, Is the only one,..." (Song of Solomon 6:9)
Or He says, "...He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” (Zephaniah 3:17) "For thus saith the Lord of hosts; ...for he that touches you touches the apple of his eye!" (Zechariah 2:8)

I don't need to pretend how great I am! I do not feel the need to impress others! Why? Because I KNOW I am great!! God already told me! I am royalty, a King's daughter! God knows all about me and He said He would STILL choose me!! (Song of Solomon 6:8-9) I am wonderfully made! (Psalms 139:14) Learn what God thinks of you and you will never lie about or to yourself again! The true you is so awesome that others will look at you and marvel!! God's word says, "You are a WONDER to many!" (Psalms 71:7) Be Free to be You! You are an awesome sight to behold! God Bless You!

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. (Psalms 139:13-14)